External Plugin List
Plugins Available on PyPI
In general you can activate a plugin by using use_plugin
from pybuilder.core
from pybuilder.core import use_plugin
use_plugin("pypi:<< plugin name goes here >>")
Please read the documentation of each plugin to get more information on plugin tasks and configuration properties.
- pybuilder_header_plugin - ensure all your source files have the expected file header
- pybuilder_smart_copy_resources - copy additional files into various destinations
- pybuilder_pytest - use pytest Python module for running unittests
- pybuilder_pytest_coverage - adds pytest-cov for coverage measure for pybuilder_pytest plugin
- pybuilder_read_profile_properties - provides possibility to read project properties from YAML file according profile
- pybuilder_cram_console_scripts - extends PyBuilder Cram plugin with console scripts based on distutils plugin properties
- pybuilder_pypi_server - provides project property pypi_server for pypi repository name from .pipyrc file and uses this property for assignment distutils_upload_repository and install_dependencies_index_url properties
- pybuilder_semver_git_tag - provides dynamic project version based on SemVer git tag
- pybuilder_aws_plugin - handle AWS functionality
- pybuilder_pylint_extended - provides Pylint tool usage with extended properties (has behaviour as flake8 plugin)
- pybuilder_pycharm_workspace - generates PyCharm metadata files to include running profiles, project interpreter config, etc. (recommended with pybuilder_archetype_base)
- pybuilder_archetype_base - builds an easy project structure with some examples ready to go
- pybuilder_archetype_api - adds new packages and files’ examples from base structure built with pybuilder_archetype_base for a project based on web services
- pybuilder_stubs_package - creates type-hinting stubs (*.pyi files) as a separate package. This stubs-only package is named with the -stubs suffix following PEP 561.
Pybuilder external plugin demo